M.S. and Ph.D. make $1,000,000 more.

Graduates with a masters (M.S.) or doctorate (Ph.D.) from US-based graduate schools earn on average ~30-50% more than there counter parts with merely a bachelors. The benefits of earning a M.S. or Ph.D. degree can provide more than $1,000,000 of extra income throughout a career and drastically outweigh the cost and opportunity loss associated with attending graduate school.

Graduate students in funded programs are provided tuition, healthcare as well as a stipend to attend graduate programs which dramatically reduces the costs associated with graduate school. Small investments when applying to graduate school, for instance paying for one-on-one consultation, can pay significant dividends upon graduation. If you are in need of graduate application consultation to ensure your application is competitive please go to www.graduateschoolconsulting.com for more info or click here to start your FREE consultation.


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